Bradley Wakoff

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I am, by both nature and training, a photojournalist who creates compelling images driven by emotional connections. As a daily news photographer, I spent nearly a decade chasing stories across  Colorado’s dynamic Front Range while learning to respect the integrity of the documentary process,  to trust the truth of intuition and to find beauty in imperfection.

My work has been commissioned by major educational and non-profit institutions like Williams College, Oxfam America and The Wilderness Society; it has appeared in literary journals, juried gallery exhibits, and some of the world's leading news outlets, including the Denver Post, Washington Post, USAToday, and Politiken.

I lead photo-tours and teach workshops because I love the process of discovery through imagemaking and want to help participants hone their vision, build their visual vocabulary and create more meaningful photos for themselves and to share with others…all while visiting some of the most amazing spots in the Berkshires!

If you have any questions about photography or the tours I offer, feel free to contact me.

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